weight loss tips

Arm Muscle Workouts- Get Your Arms Ripped

Arms, biceps, triceps, back, shoulders, legs, abs, chest, and even the obliques are very essential parts of the body to be built. Thus, I write an article on arm muscle workouts, which will reveal ways to build arms effectively and get results.

We all want to be healthy and also look great, which is a good thing. Health brings about a good physical outlook, right? …I think so, because, if you leave a healthy lifestyle, by exercising and eating right, you will be happy with yourself.

And now you are here because you wish to find out how to build arm muscles. And sure you will find out how to build the arms. After all, you need strong arms to lift heavyweight such as furniture and pushing a stalled car to the roadside,…doing stuff like that. And we all know that triceps and bicep are the main muscle group that can be found in your arms. Therefore, you must engage in exercises that can build these muscles as well as your forearms.

Rules of Training

There is a misconception by some people that, you can only build huge and massive muscles if you lift a weight and train consistently or many times in a week. But what they don’t understand is that muscles are built or developed between exercise and resting time. When you exercise and give the muscle much time to recoup and heal, there will be an improvement, but when you exercise excessively without much resting time for the muscles to grow, then you will begin to have poor muscle growth and soreness instead.

Therefore, it is recommended to train once or twice a week, so that the muscles can grow. And besides, the more time you allow, the more weight you can lift also.

Make sure that you time your training sessions, which would be 30 minutes per session and one or two times a week. Why? Because, among the body muscles, the arm muscles are the most vulnerable to getting injured. Therefore, short and intense arms exercise would be just enough to build those muscles.

Like I said earlier, you have to train intensively and short, so also you have to use the heaviest weights you can handle when training. Such that you will be able to complete a session after a few reps. As your arms muscles grow, and you find the weight you are using not to be as heavy as it uses to be, simply add some more weight. Use a weight that can take you to the ‘train to failure’ level.

If you can use a certain weight and do up to 10 to 12 reps without sweating and feeling much burns, then you should add more weight. But if you use a weight that you can hardly do 2 to 3 reps, please reduce weight so that you can do more reps.

Understandably, you need a heavier weight to build muscles, but you mustn’t use a weight that makes you feel sick or like you want to pass out. You have to start from the bottom for your muscles to develop to handle more weight.

In as much you are targeting to build the arms, you mustn’t also forget the fact that you need to build the legs and core, otherwise, there will be an imbalance in your physic. This means your abs and legs will not be as muscular as it should be, and I am sure you can imagine how you would look.

Therefore, do other exercises that would help build other parts of the body on the days you are not building the arms. You may as well engage in compound exercises such as chin-ups and push-ups that strengthens the abs and even the arms.

Arm Muscle Workouts

Dumbbell curls– This is good for building the biceps and triceps, which form the upper arm muscles. You simply get hold of the dumbbell on each hand by your sides, standing with your feet, shoulder-width apart. Start lifting the dumbbell to your chest level and back again. Your entire body must be stationary except for the movement of the arms.

Do 3 to 5 sets, and 8 to 12 reps for each set depending on what you can handle. Take a 45 secs rest between sets.

Chin-ups– Hold the fixed bar your hand at shoulder-width apart and making sure that your palms are facing you. Start to pull your entire body up with your hands/arms until your chin is above the bar. Then gradually lower yourself back to a former position. You may add weight by using a weighted belt/vest to make it more difficult.

Do 3 to 5 reps and 8 to 12 reps, depending on what you can handle, and rest 45 secs between sets.

Triceps dumbbell extensions– This works well on the triceps. It is done by standing with your feet, shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells and move them at the back of your head and up over your head. Make sure that your wrists are facing inward once your hands/arms are at the back of your head.

Do 8 to 12 reps and 3 to 5 sets, rest for 45 secs between sets.

You can also use both hands on one dumbbell, just as the video below


Some people believe that the more you take in calories the more muscles you build. But that is not how it works, if you take more calories, that won’t make you build muscles instead it will give you more fat. Therefore, what I am trying to say is that weight exercise and any kind of exercise need healthy foods.

You must eat healthily, go for such balanced meals with plenty of veggies and fruits, healthy fats, lean meats, and whole grains. Cut off fried foods, sugar, and other high calories foods. And of course, you must consciously eat plenty of protein from fish, lean beef, chicken, eggs, and many other sources of protein. However, if you can’t meet up with the requirement of protein that will enable your muscles to build and heal, you might consider protein shakes.

Please do check out the healthy foods and protein shakes articles to better understand the importance of eating healthily and what it can do to your building muscle goal. Sleep up to 8 hours on the days you exercised because the body surely needs it to recoup. Do not put much strain on your arms after workouts rather, do allow them to rest.

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