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Why Am I Gaining Weight So Fast?-Find Out Why Now


I get this type of question all the time, like, why am I gaining weight so fast, even though I eat healthily? Why am I gaining weight even though I exercise? And they keep on and on and on complaining as to why they gain weight.

Weight gain is simple to understand the cause, it does not require a rocket science course to unravel the mystery behind weight gain.

Whichever way a person tries to explain the cause of weight gain, he/she will still arrive at the same universal cause and conclusion. The most confusing….or would I say the complicated aspect of the weight gain complaint, is that they usually tell you that they exercise or eat healthily yet they are gaining weight.

In a short while, you will be getting answers as we progress. However, I would like to use this scenario of a complaint by someone, and it goes as this and I quote:

‘I am literally gaining 1kg per week! I eat healthy! No fast foods no nothing. The only thing I don’t do is exercise! Could it be because of this? I work in an office so I sit all day. I really don’t have much time to exercise! (After lunch we normally go for a short walk)

Any ideas? I weigh 80kg and I am only 1.60m! Help me.’

Now, after reading that, my heart goes out to her! Oh,…I did not tell you this person was a she. And that was serious, gaining a kilogram every week! That should be scary and be declared a case of emergency. And she did cry out, help! She also mentioned not having enough time to exercise due to the nature of her job. I will be writing a post on that; how to exercise even at work, I think that would be awesome.

So, without further waste of time, I would like to proceed to answer the question, ‘Why am I gaining weight so fast’.

Why You Gain Weight Even Though You Eat Healthily

There are several reasons why somebody may gain weight even though the person eats healthily.

  • Can be Genetic– A person can gain weight or be prone to gaining weight because it is in the genes. Especially if either of the parents or both are obese. Therefore, the person may naturally be gaining weight even if he/she is eating healthily! Just like the person who was complaining of weight gain even though she eats healthily. That could be because she is not active, as she so admitted. Eating healthily alone will not stop one from gaining weight especially when the person is consuming more calories than he/she burns, period! And who knows how much of the healthy foods she consumes? Therefore, it is going to be catastrophic when you eat so much of ‘healthy foods’ and do little or no exercise.
  • Gender– Weight gain is also mostly associated with a particular gender, which is women. Do you agree with me? Women are prone to being overweight because they tend to burn fewer calories than men. And there is also the fact that their body fat content is biologically higher than that of men.
  • It can be a result of an inactive lifestyle (Lack of exercise)– This is generally to
    everyone, whether you are prone to be fat or not, if you ain’t exercising, you are liable to gain weight. The reason is that you take more calories as a result of the foods you eat and burn fewer calories instead. This can be dangerous, because it is not only for your weight but for the sake of your internal organs’ health, such as the heart.
  • Not eating healthy foods– This is something that almost everybody knows, that unhealthy foods are dangerous to the body. Processed junk foods, can make one blow out of the recommendable healthy body structure. Stay away from processed foods that are found at the grocery stores. If you like a particular kind of food, find an alternative to unprocessed or organic foods. For instance, you can choose to juice your fruits and veggies if you are a sucker for processed juice. See this juicing machine, it will juice anything from apple to spinach, name it.
  • Can be as a result of age– Haven’t you noticed that, as people age, they tend to gain weight, especially around the waistline (You may check out an article that I wrote on how to lose belly fat at 50). Age can make one gain weight, as a result of slow metabolism and lack of exercise. There is also the fact that the muscle is converted to fat as we age, thereby increasing the risk of metabolic diseases, such as hypertension and type II diabetes.

What Should I Do to Prevent Weight Gain

Healthy lifestyle, simple! Well, it may not be that ‘simple’ for some folks. But this is your life, therefore, it will only be wise to live a healthy lifestyle that will guarantee good health and longevity.

I will try to sum it up in a simple fashion.

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Find time to exercise regularly
  • Make sure that you consume fewer calories than you burn if you want to lose weight.
  • Take plenty of water– Did you know that water can help in losing that weight? When you drink plenty of water during the day, it makes you feel full, thereby cutting down on the amount of food you would have ordinarily eaten. Drinking water before every meal will also reduce your food consumption at that given time. Drink cold water instead, because it will help speed up your metabolism. Replace that coffee or any other unhealthy drink with water.


Are you still asking ‘Why am I gaining weight so fast’? Because I suppose your question would have been answered in this post. The thing with weight gain is that, if you don’t check what goes into your body, then you have a problem and if you don’t exercise, you have even a serious problem.

Always live a healthy lifestyle, do not exercise, and eat unhealthily. Do not eat healthily and not exercise. Do not eat healthily exercise and consume more than you burn. You have got to do everything in a balance. When you don’t do everything right, then you are seemingly wasting your time.

What I am trying to say is that exercise, eat healthily, and make sure you burn more calories than you take. I believe I might have been of help if you have any comments, questions, or even contributions, please do not hesitate to drop them at the comment box below.

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