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Best Whey Protein Review-BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra Premium Whey Protein Powder

Now, it is no longer news that protein is essential for the growth of muscles. Anyone in the business of bodybuilding should have business with plenty of it.

Therefore, the question is, am I taking enough protein? If not, how do I elevate my protein intake? Here, you have got two options;

  • Either you try to get all the required proteins from the food you eat every day. OR
  • You try to supplement your protein intake, by using the best whey protein supplements.

Hardly can we get the adequate daily protein requirements from the food we eat, so making the ‘latter’ an option.

Let’s begin by knowing, what is whey protein. Whey protein is a material extracted through the production of cheese, and it contains all the necessary nutrients which make it one of the highest forms of protein available.

There are lots and lots of companies out there, that have claimed that their whey product is the best. In case you don’t know, most of the whey supplements marketed by some companies are incomplete in protein content, yet they were not detected by verification tests, why? because the companies stuffed the supplements with a cheap amino acid.

The problem is that the protein supplement is somehow measured by nitrogen content. Any number of things could raise the powder’s level of ‘nitrogen’ which includes creatine, arginine amino acid, etc. Even though protein is made up of various amino acids, adding a bunch of random and cheap amino acids in a container does not represent the complete health, muscle-building, and performance-improving benefits of the complete protein that ought to be in the supplement.

Just in case you have one of those supplements, do you know how much protein there is in that one scoop? The label might say ’25 grams of protein’ when in reality the protein level is far less than that or even zero. The thing is that companies try to make a fast ‘cheap’ buck by reducing the protein content, in order to increase their profit margin; they don’t really care what you get.

Here is where BPI Sports protein products come into play. When you take a look at their products, you will discover that it has a seal of ‘verified authenticity’ by CHROMADEX.

Chromadex is a third-party independent testing laboratory that has all the necessary tools to identify the quality product from the ‘fake’. Their new seal program targets to remove any doubt from any prospective customer(s). Therefore, when you see a CHROMADEX ‘quality-verified, you can rest assured that the product is what it says it is.

Now, you can see the CHROMADEX seal on virtually all the BPI Sports products; this is a way to further reinforce trust by an unbiased third-party verification. CHROMADEX also goes further to ensure that products meet all the specified ingredients, contaminants, microbial, and heavy metals.

According to the BPI Sports co-founder and VP Jame Grage, and I quote ‘You as a consumer will no longer have to guess whether you’re getting a quality protein product or one that’s been spiked with sub-par ingredients. BPI Sports getting the Chromadex seal will force other companies to do the same

Yet another quote by Chromadex co-founder and CEO, Frank Jaksch Jr, ‘If someone sent us a protein sample and it was all free amino acids, it’s a dead giveaway that the stuff has been spiked. It’s really that ratio between the free and the bound amino acids that tell you if your protein is up to snuff.

BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra Premium Whey Protein Powder


BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra premium whey protein powder is a good protein supplement. It does what protein does to our system. It promotes lean muscle mass, rapid muscle recovery, and absorbs faster. Each serving contains 25 grams of protein and is 100% whey protein isolate & hydrolysate.

  • It has different flavors, namely, Vanilla Caramel, Strawberry cake, Granola Crunch, Milk and cookies, Banana Marshmallow, and chocolate cookie. Therefore, you can always choose any that go down with you very well.
  • It has different sizes from 1.6 pounds to 4.5 pounds. This will affect the cost as you choose the preferred size.
  • You will get 5% off of the price if you choose to subscribe to a periodic purchase, such as monthly, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6-month period purchases. However, most people prefer monthly.
  • You get free shipping if your purchase is up to $35 or more.
BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra Premium Whey Protein Powder
BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra Premium Whey Protein Powder
Mix one scoop of Whey-HD with 6-8 ounces of cold water and drink immediately after a workout or strenuous activity. It may also be taken anytime to promote recovery and help build strong muscles. For optimal results, use in conjunction with a proper diet and always consult with a physician prior to beginning a training regimen.

This is sold at Amazon at the rate of $27.99 to $62.78, depending on the size you wish to buy.



1 thought on “Best Whey Protein Review-BPI Sports Whey-HD Ultra Premium Whey Protein Powder”

  1. This is a good product based on a couple of reasons. One the flavor (vanilla caramel) is good. The flavor of some of these products is not always the best. This one is really good. The second reason is the amount of protein in each serving. It is just the right amount for what I use it for (exercising). I would recommend buying this product.

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